
Quantum Coaching

Bridging Mind with Matter

Over the last 20 years Randi Eaton has worked as an Intuitive Coach to small businesses and individuals, offering insights into personal and professional goals, finances, health and relationships. Using her intuitive abilities to help others understand and access their own inner wisdom, she explains how they can apply this knowledge to their daily lives.

Randi demonstrates how intuition is a valuable and dependable tool available to all of us, for we all have an Inner Guide with infinite intelligence and patience, always at the ready, waiting for us to ask for assistance. By listening and acting on our Inner Guide’s wisdom, we can foster increased peace and joy in our lives and rid ourselves of stress, worry and fear.
Consultations with Randi provide:

  • Help in bringing clarity to a situation by examining what beliefs may be keeping you from attaining the abundance, health, peace and happiness that is your divine right.
  • Reassurance that you are not alone and that your higher self can be accessed and depended upon even in the midst of blinding fear and anxiety.
  • Revelations from your guides about lessons to be learned and information about your past and current personal and professional relationships which provide insight into your future path.
  • Information on how karmic influences may be affecting your life.
  • Techniques to resolve inner conflicts and assess your strengths and weaknesses while uncovering your own special intuitive skills.

Randi’s consultations are unique and inspiring. She uses a straight-forward and often humorous approach in her readings, reminding us to live lightly and not take things too seriously. Her sessions provide a blending of practicality with spirituality and help the seeker gain a new perspective by seeing beyond the obvious.

A consultation with Randi is appropriate and helpful when you are:

  • Facing a challenge or transition in your life
  • Needing to clarify issues regarding relationships, health, finances, etc.
  • Wanting to reconnect with your Inner Wisdom and your Guides
  • Feeling lost, frustrated or just generally out of sorts

An intuitive coaching session 90 minutes.

Life Readings are also available. Life Readings generally take up to two and one half hours and are very in-depth.


Online Scheduling